
Electricity is one of the important sources of energy for daily use, specifically for residential and industrial areas. Electric sources now day generated by coal, hydro, wind, petroleum, sun, etc. The objectives of this research are to produce electricity from various aluminum resources and to examine the effect of various waste cans in the production of sources of electricity. Aluminum waste can have recorded as the largest source of aluminum in the waste stream. Therefore, aluminum waste was chosen as the research material divided into two samples, waste food can and waste beverage can. Application of alkaline electrolysis, aluminum-based electrodes and porous electrodes along with zero gap cell is carried out using ionic liquid electrolyte made from vacuum dries NaCl, NaOH, and seawater. The NaOH reaction with various aluminum has recorded as the best solution of all. Comparison with the different types of aluminum resources shows NaOH solution produced the highest electric reacts for pure aluminum with 34.1% and 35% for aluminum foil respectively. Meanwhile, aluminum waste food can, 24.3% and waste beverage can, 6.6%. Pure aluminum with NaOH solution shows highly readable compared to aluminum recycling reactions. T-test result obtained show the mean of two data in favor majorly have data reading differences except for the mean for foil vs. plate data which is 0.2 (more than 0.05). Electricity testing on various types of aluminum proved that aluminum waste can as an electric resistivity using a different solution in electrolysis.

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