
Nowdays, Business in society scholars have developed many theoretical frameworks intended to map and measure business organisations’ roles and impacts to community. In fact, socially responsible firms receive more favorable recommendations in recent years relative to earlier ones, documenting a changing perception of the value of such strategies by the analysts. Iannou and serafeim (2010) found that firms with higher visibility receive more favorable recommendations for their CSR strategies and that analysts with more experience, broader CSR awareness or those with more resources at their disposal, are more likely to perceive the value of CSR strategies more favorably. Iannou and serafeim (2010) found the CSR strategies can affect the value creation in public equity markets through analyst recommendations. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of implementation strategic CSR in mining company in West Sumatera. This study found that the level of CSR strategic implementation of mining company is altruistic strategy in Sumatera Barat. This strategy strengthens the relationship between company and community (the beneficiaries of the model are community groups and causes) and highlights the corporate intention of “doing the right thing”, without expecting anything in return. Irina and Lamandi (2011) conclude the altruistic CSR strategy can be considered an act of corporate goodwill and the corporate benefits obtained from involvement in philanthropic activities are not quantified. Moreover company need to enhance the ability to upgrading the level of CSR strategic implementation in order to upgrading the level highest level is shareholder strategy. So it is highly recommended that the formulation of strategic CSR supposed to be related to the citizenship needed.

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