
Many popular websites give users the ability to sign up for their services, which requires personally identifiable information (PII). However, these websites embed third-party tracking and advertising resources, and as a consequence, the authentication flow can intentionally or unintentionally leak PII to these services. Since a user can be identified with PII, trackers can use it for tracking purposes, leading to further privacy leaks when cross-site, cross-browser, and cross-device tracking occur. In this paper, we document a persistent web tracking mechanism that relies on manipulating PII leakage after a user completes the sign-up and sign-in flow (authentication flows) on first-party sites. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first in-depth analysis of leaked PII in the authentication flows. By investigating the authentication flows for 307 popular shopping sites from the Tranco top 10,000 sites, we first discover that 42.3% of sites leak the PII to third-party services. Then, we present a previously unknown persistent web tracking technique based on PII leakage that enables tracking providers to generate and store a unique persistent identifier for a user with his/her browsing history on their tracking servers. By analyzing 130 first-party senders along with 100 third-party receiver domains, we show that PII leakage is a potentially important vector for online tracking for at least 20 providers. In addition, we check the privacy policy of the 130 first-party senders and observe that they are not clear about PII exchange with third parties. Finally, to provide a wider picture of current in-browser privacy protection techniques, we evaluate the effect of browsers and well-known blocklists against PII leakage. We point out that browsers are unable to deal with PII leakage except for Brave with its privacy-improving features, whereas blocklists reduce the number of leaked PII resources but do not fix this problem in general.

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