
The major cardiac cell types composing the adult heart arise from common multipotent precursor cells. Cardiac lineage decisions are guided by extrinsic and cell-autonomous factors, including recently discovered long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs). The CARMEN locus, which is known to dictate specification towards the cardiomyocyte (CM) and the smooth muscle cell (SMC) fates, generates a diversity of alternatively spliced lncRNAs. Here, we identify one of these isoforms, CARMEN-201, to be crucial for SMC commitment. CARMEN-201 activity is encoded within an alternatively-spliced exon containing a MIRc short interspersed nuclear element. This element binds the transcriptional repressor REST (RE1 Silencing Transcription Factor), targets it to cardiogenic loci, including ISL1, IRX1, IRX5, and SFRP1, and thereby blocks the CM gene program. In turn, genes regulating SMC differentiation are induced. These data show how a critical physiological switch is wired by alternative splicing and functional transposable elements in a long noncoding RNA.

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