
The article considers promising areas of green tourism development in Vinnytsia region. Describes a number of extremely unique and interesting objects that are little known to tourists. These include the «Illinets astroblem» ˗ craters at the site of a meteorite fall 400 million years ago. The crater is located between the villages of Ivanky, Lypovets district and Luhovo, Illinets district. They arose as a result of the fall to Earth of a cosmic body with an approximate weight of 40 million tons. The diameter of the meteorite is about 230 - 300 m. At the time of the fall, the meteorite was divided into 3 parts. As a result, 13 craters appeared. The largest of them have diameters of 7-10 km. According to experts, the initial depth of the largest crater was about 800 m. The local places are witnesses of a unique phenomenon of planetary scale and are interesting for the tourist business. There are no analogues to Ilyinets Crater in the world. The problems of exhaustion of traditional energy sources are analyzed, and in this connection the inevitable increase in their price. The necessity of wide introduction of alternative energy in the field of green rural tourism is proved. The use of autonomous, network and hybrid solar semiconductor power plants is. promising. Grid-connected solar power plants as an object of solar energy can be used both to generate electricity for household consumption and for the purpose of further sale to the national grid at a green tariff. It is shown that the introduction of solar energy by tourism businesses significantly increases their profits and competitiveness, reduces electricity costs, significantly improves the quality of services, increases the level of tourist service in rural areas. The need for state support and investment for the development of renewable energy sources in rural areas and green rural tourism is substantiated.

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