
The aim of this review was to compare the currently available root canalfilling materials for primary teeth to zinc oxide eugenol (ZOE) to find a suitable alternative. The search question was: which root canalfilling materials used in pulpectomy for primary teeth give better clinical and radiographic success rates than ZOE? A systematic search was conducted using five databases, namely Cochrane central register of controlled trials (CENTRAL), MEDLINE via PubMed, Science Direct, Scopus and EBSCOhost using a selection of "MeSH terms". The "Modified Jadad Scale" was used for the methodology assessment of the included studies. Out of 480 articles identified in the initial search, 8 articles met all the inclusion criteria. The results showed that, compared to ZOE, ZOE with calcium hydroxide and iodoform had better clinical and radiographic success rates, a resorption rate similar to that of the roots, faster resorption of extruded particles and a maximum decrease in the size of pre-operative inter-radicular radiolucencies. Numerous materials, proposed and used by clinicians in root canal filling in primary teeth, can be recommended as alternatives to ZOE. However, none of them could be the ideal material in primary teeth. Thus, more high-quality well-designed randomised clinical trials are required to develop more high-performing materials.

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