
There is usually a limitation of weak interaction on the application of weak-value measurement. This limitation dominates the performance of the quantum state tomography toward a typical target in the finite and high-dimensional complex-valued superposition of its basis states, especially when the compressive sensing technique is also employed. Here we propose an alternative method of quantum state tomography, presented as a general model, toward such typical target via weak-value measurement to overcome such limitation. In this model the pointer for the weak-value measurement is a qubit, and the target-pointer coupling interaction is no longer needed within the weak interaction limitation, meanwhile this interaction under the compressive sensing can be described with the Taylor series of the unitary evolution operator. The postselection state at the target is the equal superposition of all basis states, and the pointer readouts are gathered under multiple Pauli operator measurements. The reconstructed quantum state is generated from an optimization algorithm of total variation augmented Lagrangian alternating direction algorithm. Furthermore, we demonstrate an example of this general model for the quantum state tomography toward the planar laser-energy distribution and discuss the relations among some parameters at both our general model and the original first-order approximate model for this tomography.

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