
The study proposes an alternative guide for conducting Application Based Exams (ABE) for end of term exams in institutions of higher learning subsequent COVID-19 pandemic and its ripple effect. The objective of ABE is to endorse unceasing convenient learning and assessment as well as surety of inflow of capital for the day to day operation of educational institutions. The IT revolution and steady advancement in telecommunications have brought about sweeping and multifaceted changes; leading to automation and digitization of learning. Further the proliferation of web-based technology and the internet have made online learning possible in the recent years. This has also led to booming of technology entrepreneurs in recent years. The study aims at proposing the ABE as an alternative learning and assessment module for institutions subsequent COVID-19 pandemic and its execution or implementation using modern technological tools like Learning Management Systems. The study identifies that there has been a big shift in learning in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic which makes technological collaborations and IT an inevitable tool in the entire process of delivering and enhancing the pace of learning. Again, the ABE module has been designed to serve as a medium for educational institutions to continue its operations in the event of pandemics. By way of recommendation, the applicability of the module for conducting end of term assessments in educational institutions has to be strengthened through various trials in order to improve its performance. Keywords: COVID-19, Technology Entrepreneurs, E-Learning, Education, Learning Management System.

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