
From sustainability and social justice perspectives, organic food producers have found a bifurcation between conventional growth and maintenance of family farms. The latter are driven to alternative food networks that embrace a broad variety of formats. This article questions how these formats can favor social capital development. Based on a systematic review, 45 articles sustain the existence of a taxonomy of five different types of networks: own production; basket schemes; direct sales; community supported agriculture and; solidarity purchase groups. The reflection regarding expected density and links in each type of network, based on the observed examples, indicate greater potential in groups formed by consumers, followed by those started by producers, basket schemes and, finally, production for self-consumption. This can be a significant contribution to policies aimed to boost responsible consumption and family farm development.SOUZA, Ronaldo Tavares de; CALDAS, Eduardo de Lima. Redes alimentares alternativas e potencialidade ao desenvolvimento do capital social. Estudos Sociedade e Agricultura, jun. 2018, v. 26, n. 2, p. 426-446, ISSN 2526-7752.

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