
Yoga balances Autonomic nervous system: Autonomic nervous system consists of two limbs; sympathetic nervous system and parasympathetic nervous system. Although individual asan and pranayam practices can selectively affect sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system, the overall effect of yoga practice is to bring a state of parasympathetic dominance. In present study effect of alternate nostril breathing (Nadishuddhi pranayama) for 12-weeks were studied in 60 healthy volunteers (both males and females). Alternate Nostril Breathing had beneficial effect on autonomic functions. There was no change in parasympathetic reactivity indicated by non-significant change in Valsalva ratio. Change in sympathetic reactivity was observed due to change in blood pressure response to hand grip test. Overall there is tilt towards parasympathetic dominance after practice of alternate nostril breathing. Considering the facts, it can be suggested that regular practice of type alternate nostril breathing can be prescribed to hypertensive patients (with proper monitoring) along with the medical therapy. Keyword: Valsalva ratio, Alternate nostril breathing, Hand grip test, Blood pressure.

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