
Bitter taste is often associated with toxins, but accepting some bitter foods, such as green vegetables, can be an important part of maintaining a healthy diet. It has previously been shown that animals exposed to quinine upregulate a set of salivary proteins (SPs), and those with upregulated SPs have increased rates of feeding on a quinine diet as well as increased brief-access licking to and higher detection thresholds for quinine. These studies suggest that SPs alter orosensory feedback; however, they rely on SPs upregulated by diet exposure and cannot control for the role of learning. Here, we use taste reactivity to determine if SPs can alter bitter taste in animals with no previous bitter diet experience. First, saliva with proteins stimulated by injections of isoproterenol and pilocarpine was collected from anesthetized rats; this “donor saliva” was analyzed for protein concentration and profile. Bitter-naïve rats were implanted with oral catheters and infused with taste stimuli dissolved in saliva that contained all of the SPs from the donors, saliva that was filtered of SPs, water, or artificial saliva. Their orofacial movements were recorded and quantified. We found that presence of quinine increased movements associated with aversive stimuli, but adding SPs to the infusion was sufficient to reduce aversive oromotor responding to quinine. The effect was dependent on the total protein concentration of the saliva, as protein concentration increased aversive responses decreased. Additionally, infusions of whole saliva altered aversive responding to quinine, but not other stimuli (citric acid, NaCl, sucrose). Our work suggests that effect of these SPs is specific and the presence of SPs is sufficient to decrease aversive orosensory feedback to bitter stimuli.

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