
The effect of infection by Erysiphe graminis f.sp. hordei on changes in leaf mRNA populations of near-isogenic resistant and susceptible barley (Hordeum vulgare) was investigated using in vitro translation of poly A+ RNA followed by two-dimensional electrophoresis and fluorography and by hybridization of infection-related cDNA clones to total leaf RNA. Results of in vitro translations indicated that 15 mRNA species from infected leaves exhibited new or enhanced translational activity when compared to that of non-inoculated controls. Of these, nine mRNAs (infection-related mRNAs) were detected 12h after inoculation in both resistant and near-isogenic susceptible plants. However, six mRNAs (resistance-related mRNAs) showed greater translational activities in polyA+ RNA from infected leaves of resistant plants carrying either the Mla or Mlp genes when compared to those of near-isogenic susceptible plants. Three of these six mRNAs were common to cultivars carrying the Mla and Mlp genes. In addition, 11 mRNAs showed reduced translational activity in infected leaves, but none of these showed greater alterations in either the susceptible or resistant cultivars. Six cloned infected-related cDNAs were used to determine the amounts of specific mRNAs in near-isogenic barley differing in the Mla, Mlp or Mlk genes. In the susceptible hosts, four of the mRNAs were induced in a distinct biphasic pattern with accumulation occurring at 12–24 h and 48–72 h following inoculation. For the remaining two mRNAs, induction occurred 12–36 h after inoculation. A comparison of mRNA induction between resistant and susceptible near-isogenic cultivars showed a three-fold accumulation of two mRNAs in all of the resistant cultivars 24–48 h after inoculation. These data demonstrate that genes for resistance function as regulators for the synthesis of common host mRNAs during the early stages of infection.

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