
We have analyzed some chemical properties of the sigma subunit of RNA polymerase from the sigma mutants: rpoD1 (Gross et al., 1978), rpoD2 (formerly known as alt-1) (Silverstone et al., 1972; Travers et al., 1978), and rpoD800 (Gross et al., 1979). Each of the three mutants is located at about 66 min on the E. coli genetic map and exhibits an alteration in the enzymatic properties of its sigma subunit. The tryptic peptides and isoelectric focusing behavior were analyzed for mutant and wild type sigma. A single, but different altered lysine tryptic peptide was observed for each mutant. No altered arginine tryptic peptides were observed. The rpoD800 mutant sigma showed an altered isoelectric point. These studies provide chemical evidence that the sigma polypeptide in all three mutants is altered and strongly support the conclusion that the mutations are in the structural gene for sigma.

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