
This study aimed to determine the association between the progressive contraction of the posterior pharyngeal wall and dysphagia in postoperative patients with tongue cancer. A videofluoroscopic swallowing study (VFSS) was performed in 34 patients after tongue cancer surgery. Images were analyzed using a two-dimensional video measurement software. Cases in which the processes on the posterior pharyngeal wall moved downward from the 2nd to 4th vertebral regions were defined as "normal type", other cases were defined as "abnormal type". Twenty-four patients showed normal movement of the posterior pharyngeal wall, whereas 10 patients showed the abnormal type. The results showed that there was a significant difference in dysphagia scores between the postoperative swallowing type and swallowing dysfunction score. This implies that dysphagia is related to the movement of the posterior pharyngeal wall after tongue cancer surgery. Furthermore, the extent of resection and stage were significantly different between the normal and abnormal groups in the posterior pharyngeal wall movement. There was also a significant difference between the two groups in terms of the following: whether the tongue base was included in the excision range (p < 0.01), whether neck dissection was performed (p < 0.01), or whether reconstruction was not performed (p < 0.01). VFSS results showed that posterior pharyngeal wall movement was altered after surgery in patients with tongue cancer who had severe dysphagia.

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