
Lens proteins and lens gross morphology were examined during tadpole and adult development of the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana. Significant increases in the lens physical parameters of diameter, wet weight, dry weight (94–97% protein), and percent water were observed to accompany both natural and thyroxine-induced metamorphosis. These increases in lens parameters were not accompanied by growth of tadpoles during metamorphic change. Lens proteins were isolated from whole lenses and also from specified layers within whole lenses by a new fractionation method. Electrophoretic examination of whole lenses showed that the lens proteins did not change rapidly, one for another, prior to or during metamorphosis. However, changes became apparent during post metamorphic development. These changes included an increase in the relative concentration and mobility of alpha crystallin, a decrease in the relative concentration of gamma crystallin and an increase in the relative concentration of beta crystallin. Examination of specified layers within tadpole and frog lenses demonstrated that changes in the patterns of lens protein synthesis and modification may occur during development. Rapid and reproducible methods for quantitating changes in lens gross morphology and lens proteins, and for fractionating both tadpole and frog lenses into a number of definable layers were devised in the course of this study.

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