
Stress plays a key role in the induction of various clinical disorders by altering monoaminergic response and antioxidant defenses. In the present study, alterations in the concentrations of dopamine (DA), serotonin (5-HT) and their metabolites, and simultaneous changes in the antioxidant defense system and lipid peroxidation in different brain regions (frontal cortex, striatum, and hippocampus) were investigated immediately and 24 h after exposure to chronic unpredictable stress (CUS). CUS involved subjecting Sprague–Dawley rats to two different types of stressors varying from mild to severe intensity every day in an unpredictable manner, over a period of 7 days. CUS significantly decreased DA and 5-HT concentrations, with increased DA turnover ratios in the selected brain regions. In the frontal cortex and striatum, DA metabolite concentrations were increased; however, in the hippocampus they remained unaltered. Further, a decrease of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid content was observed in the frontal cortex and striatum, with no significant alteration in the hippocampus. CUS also reduced the activities of superoxide dismutase and catalase, with increased lipid peroxidation and decreased glutathione levels in the selected brain regions. Glutathione peroxidase activity was increased in the frontal cortex and hippocampus only. The pattern of CUS-induced monoamine and oxidative changes immediately after the last stressor and 24 h later were similar when compared with the control group, indicating that the observed changes were due to the chronic exposure to the various stressors and were not merely acute effects of the last stressor. The altered redox state in the striatum and frontal cortex might be related to the perturbed DA and/or 5HT levels, while the hippocampus seems to be less influenced by CUS in terms of monoamine metabolite changes. These results suggest that the perturbed monoamine levels could interact with the oxidative load during CUS. Hence, the current study has implications for pharmacological interventions targeting both central monoamines and cellular antioxidants as a potential stress management strategy for protecting against central stress-induced disorders.

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