
The study area covers volcanic-volcanosedimentary units of Eocene age in the Sivas-Ulas area from Turkey. The pyroclastic (tuffaceous claystone/siltsone/sandstone, crystal ash tuff) and volcanic (basalt, basaltic andesite, andesite) rocks of the Karacalar member from the Kalekoy Formation include volcanogenic (plagioclase, augite, hornblende, biotite), diagenetic (K-feldspar, mixed-layered chlorite-smectite/C-S, chlorite, analcime) and post-volcanic (calcite, dolomite, quartz) minerals. The volcanogenic (plagioclase), diagenetic (K-feldspar, C-S, chlorite), postvolcanic (quartz, calcite, dolomite) and detrital (illite) minerals were observed in the epiclastic (shale, siltstone, calcareous siltstone, sandstone, calcareous sandstone) and chemical (limestone, gypsum) rocks of the Yapali member from this formation. C-S + K-feldspar zoning is widely developed by due to the interaction between sea-water and volcanic glass in basic-intermediate composition, on the basis of optic and electron microscopes and also X-rays data. This zone corresponds to the deeper parts of the Sivas basin in the Eocene period and show vertically a transition into zeolite zone in approximately northern parts of the basin (Yavu area).

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