
To describe the current state of the art about the main cognitive deficits that appear in patients affected with narcolepsy with cataplexy (NT1). The majority of the studies have found that the most impaired cognitive functions are attention (especially maintenance of attention or sustained attention), speed of information processing and executive functions (in particular, verbal fluency and resistance to the stimuli interference). These data indicate the difficulty to use the available cognitive resources of the patient. These alterations are similar to those present in other hypersomnias, although they might differ in intensity. Moreover, most of the studies emphasize a high prevalence of different depressive and anxious disorders. It has been suggested that predisposition to anxiety could be part of the characteristic phenotype of these patients. Anxiety could act either as a trigger for the disease or a consequence of the disease. Cognitive deficits in patients with NT1 appear in long lasting and/or monotonous tasks and in high cognitive demanding tasks. The presence of depressive symptomatology, together with excessive daytime sleepiness in these patients could affect their performance in neuropsychological test, and it might be related to their subjective perception of the cognitive deficits.

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