
Numerous studies in various alphabetic languages have shown that letter knowledge is a strong predictor of reading and spelling achievement. However, this issue has rarely been addressed in French. Three studies are reported in order to examine the question of the development of letter knowledge in connection with literacy skills in French beginning readers before and during formal instruction. The level of the different alphabet-related skills was studied in kindergarten and two short longitudinal studies were conducted while the children were receiving formal instruction. In Study 1, upper-case letters resulted in higher scores. In Study 2, in the case of consonants, no significant advantage of phoneme position in letter names was found. In Study 3 children with good letter-name knowledge in kindergarten performed better in reading and spelling tasks in first grade. Finally, alphabet knowledge is viewed as a multi-faceted type of knowledge, which includes different skills such as alphabet reciting, letter naming and letter-sound knowledge. An early ability in this domain could be highly predictive of subsequent literacy development.

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