
alpha4-Fucosylation represents a final step of protein N- glycosylation. alpha4-fucosylated N-glycans are thought to be involved in cell-to-cell communication and recognition in primates and plants. Nevertheless, in the plant life cycle, the function of alpha4-fucosylation remains largely unknown. To gain an insight into the role of alpha4-fucosylation during development, the study focused on tobacco flowers. It is shown that an increase in alpha(1,4)fucosyltransferase (Fuc-T) activity is only observed during anther development, whereas it remains at a constant but low level (around 20 pmol Fuc h(-1) mg(-1) protein) in the gynoecium and perianth. At least a 4-fold higher activity is detected in mature pollen grains. These data suggest that alpha(1,4)Fuc-T activity is regulated during anther development. Furthermore, alpha(1,4)Fuc-T activity could be required during pollen tube elongation where the activity level peaks at 350 pmol h(-1) mg(-1) protein. Based on enzyme profile and cycloheximide effects on pollen germination and activity, it is hypothesized that the gene encoding alpha4-Fuc-T could be regulated late during pollen development. A potential role of alpha4- fucosylation during pollen tube elongation is also discussed.

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