
Double-stranded complementary DNAs were constructed enzymatically from polyadenylated RNA extracted from pituitary glands of ovariectomized rats, were inserted into the Pst I site of plasmid pBR322 and were cloned in Escherichia coli chi 1776. Cloned cDNAs encoding the precursor to the alpha subunit (pre-alpha) of the glycoprotein hormones were identified by hybridization with a restriction fragment of a previously cloned and sequenced cDNA encoding the precursor to the alpha subunit of mouse thyrotropin (Chin, W. W., Kronenberg, H. M., Dee, P. C., Maloof, F., and Habener, J. F. (1981) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 78, 5329-5333). The DNA sequences of the two largest rat cDNA inserts (591 and 554 base pairs) were determined and the amino acid sequence of the rat pre-alpha subunit was deduced from these sequences. The composite sequence determined from these cDNAs spans 610 base pairs, or almost the entire length of the messenger RNA (mRNA) of 800 bases, when account is taken of the 3' poly(A) tract. The rat alpha precursor consists of a 24 amino acid leader sequence and a 96 amino acid alpha subunit apoprotein. The amino acid homologies between the rat and mouse, and between the rat and human sequences are 95% and 74%, respectively. Nucleotide homologies between the rat and mouse cDNAs in the coding and untranslated regions are 94% and 80%, respectively. This cloned cDNA will be applied to analysis of the structure of the rat alpha subunit gene(s) and of the regulation of alpha subunit gene expression.

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