
The Queyras-Monviso traverse of the Schistes Lustrés complex, is a stack of underplated nappes of oceanic rocks subducted from blueschist- to eclogite-facies conditions.This study reports on salinities and gas contents of primary fluid inclusions trapped in high pressure veins from metasediments and metamafic rocks (445 fluid inclusions in 22 samples). These data provide snapshots of the compositions of fluids present at peak burial conditions, varying from ~30 to 80 km depth and illustrate the evolution of fluid composition with burial along a cold subduction zone.Fluid inclusions trapped in lawsonite- and carpholite-bearing veins in metasediments contain moderately saline aqueous fluids (average salinity of 4.6 wt% NaCl eq.) with subordinate amounts of CO2 and CH4 in the vapor phase. The observed salinity decrease with increasing grade is interpreted as reflecting progressive dilution of initial seawater-like pore fluid by low-salinity fluids released locally by dehydration reactions. Less-frequently measured higher salinities in the uppermost metasedimentary-dominated tectonic unit suggest brine infiltration from embedded blocks of margin units containing evaporites. CO2 and CH4 (and scarce potential hydrocarbons) appear to be locally released from fluid interaction with carbonates and carbonaceous matter-rich pelitic horizons, respectively.Fluid inclusions in high pressure omphacite veins in metagabbros record higher salinities (mean salinity about 17 wt% NaCl eq.) with small amounts of N2 in eclogitic veins only, and a variety of minerals (calcite, white mica, salts) indicative of complex chemical systems. These high salinities are interpreted as partly inherited from seafloor high-temperature hydrothermal alteration of gabbros, resulting in phase separation and brine formation. Progressive breakdown of hydrothermal Cl-rich amphibole to glaucophane (blueschist-facies) and then omphacite (eclogite-facies) and release of brines trapped in fluid inclusions could account for the high salinity fluids. Therefore, in metagabbros, fluid inclusions record progressive release of Cl in the fluid phase with increasing grade.Fluid signatures of metasediments and metamafics appear characteristic of each rock type. Local fluid signatures and redox conditions were preserved within units, possibly due to restricted and transient fluid circulation (at the hm-scale at most).Fluid inclusions in Alpine metasediments show salinities and gas contents comparable with other subducted fragments of oceanic lithosphere worldwide, whereas fluid salinities of Alpine metagabbros are higher than salinities recorded elsewhere, either due to (1) higher-temperature hydrothermal alteration and brine formation in Alpine metagabbros (compared to metavolcanics) or (2) more restricted infiltration by sediment-derived fluids compared to block-in-mélange subduction complexes.

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