
Relative growth of the male major chela and female abdomen was studied in a population of the fiddler crab Uca mordax (Smith, 1870) from Guaratuba Bay, Parana, Southern Brazil. Major chela length (CMQ) was measured from 319 males, and abdomen width (LAB) from 356 females. Also six small sexually undifferentiated crabs were measured. Carapace width (LC) was the reference dimension for both sexes, which ranged from 1.94 to 20.0 mm for males, from 2.50 to 18.85 mm for females, and from 1.94 to 3.15 mm for sexually undifferentiated crabs. Relationship between LC and CMQ showed a transition point at 11.70 mm LC in males, and between LC and LAB, at 8.77 mm LC in females. Males (mean LC = 14.24 mm) showed a slightly greater size than females (mean LC = 13,97 mm). These dimensions had positive allometrical growth during all life for both sexes: before and after the puberal molting. Regressions between LC and CMQ in males read as: logCMQ = -0,542265 + 1,51.logLC for male juveniles and logCMQ = -1,446281 + 2,37.logLC for male adults. In females, the regressions between LC and LAB were: logLAB = -0,607282 + 1,22.logLC for juveniles and logLAB = -0,912074 + 1,60.logLC for adults. These body dimensions are related to reproductive activities of this species. The level of allometry in CMQ of adult males was the highest among Uca species which relative growth of this dimension is known. The handedness had a proportion of 1:1 between right-handed and left-handed males.

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