
Corporate value is influenced by many factors, one of which is through Good Corporate Governance. Corporate governance is a system that regulates and controls companies that are expected to provide and increase the value of the company to shareholders. The allocation of Corporate Social Responsibility funds is selected as a moderating variable because Corporate Social Responsibility activities are part of good corporate governance that is expected to strengthen Good Corporate Governance relationship with company value. The population in this study is the banking subsector companies listed on the BEI. Sampling technique using purposive sampling and based on predetermined criteria then the number of 22 samples of companies subsector banking. This research followed by the analysis by using Regression Moderation analysis. The result of the research shows that the implementation of Good Corporate Governance proxied with the Proportion of Independent Commissioners , Audit Committee , Independence Audit Committee , Frequency of Audit Committee Meeting and Frequency of Meeting of Board of Commissioner simultaneously have significant effect to company Value with CSR as moderation.


  • Nilai perusahaan dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor, salah satunya adalah Good Corporate Governance

  • Corporate value is influenced by many factors

  • of which is through Good Corporate Governance

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Goverment perusahaan perbankan

Diantaranya : Kebobolan kredit fiktif miliaran rupiah. Hal ini bermula dari pengajuan kredit terkait suatu proyek oleh sebuah CV sebesar Rp 9,4 miliar. Namun yang disetujui hanya Rp 4,8 miliar dan dalam proses pembayarannya mengalami kemacetan, kredit macetnya sebesar Rp. 3,4 miliar. Belakangan diketahui bahwa surat perintah kerja terkait kredit tersebut ternyata dipalsukan. Nilai proyeknya pun sangat jauh lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan pengajuan kreditnya, yakni hanya.

Korupsi dilakukan mantan
Responcibility dipilih sebagai variabel moderasi karena kegiatan Corporate
Treatme nt of Sharehol ders
Corporate Governance dan nilai perusahaan dengan Corporate Social
Tujuan dan Manfaat Good Corporate Governance
Dalam penelitian ini penulis pengukuran nilai perusahaan menggunakan
Kerangka Konseptual
Definisi Operasional Variabel
Jumlah Rapat Komite Audit
Pengaruh Good Corporate Governance Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan
Kepemilikan Terhadap Keputusan
Adakah Kaitan di Antara
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