
Aloe vera is gaining popularity for its many health benefits. Healing is a complex procedure mainly occurs by subsiding inflammation which can be done by immunomodulatory properties of gel polysaccharides, especially acetylated mannans from A. vera. It helps in improving conditions such as diabetes mellitus, arthritis, and appearance of the skin, but apart from these, it has a tremendous role in dentistry and is beneficial in many oral conditions. Due to its antibacterial qualities, it is effective in gingivitis, periodontitis, and stomatitis. Direct application of A. vera gel on herpetic lesions, aphthous ulcer has improved the condition. Apart from this, acemannan also increases alkaline phosphatase activity and also help in bone healing. Due to its action on Enterococcus faecalis it can be used as an intracanal medicament. It can also be used in several oral lesions such as oral submucous fibrosis and oral lichen planus. Anticancer drugs have numerous side effects so natural product such as A. vera is very useful in this condition.

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