
LetGbe a connected noncompact semisimple Lie group with finite center and real rank one. Fix a maximal subgroupK. We considerKbi-invariant functionsfonGand their spherical transformf(λ)=∫Gf(g)ϕλ(g)dg,whereϕλdenote the elementary spherical functions onG/Kandλ⩾0. We consider the maximal operatorsS*f(t)=SupR>1∫R1f(λ)λ(a(t))|c(λ)|−2dλand prove thatS* maps boundedlyKLKs(G)→Ls(G)+L2(G) for 2n/(n+1)<s⩽2 wheren=dim(G/K). The result is sharp and it implies a.e. convergence properties of the inverse spherical transforms.

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