
In the Kushkak Valley (Khuzestan, Southwest Iran) an anticlinal structure has partially impounded an ephemeral stream. This natural impounded area has been chosen for an artificial recharge site due to its current rate of recharge, capability to store water and favorable situation for the construction of man-made barriers to stream flow. The aquifer to be recharged is the Kushkak unconfined aquifer which consists of medium to coarse-grained alluvial deposits that overlie consolidated conglomerate rock. In this semi-arid area with infrequent relatively heavy falls of rain, alluvial aquifer recharge can be an important process that sustains shallow, over-exploited groundwater bodies. In this investigation a multidisciplinary approach including: hydrometerological studies, and a detailed hydrogeochemical survey, have been carried out. Other essential prerequisite parameters for the scheme were also taken into account to determine the suitability of this location for groundwater artificial recharge. The assessment has brought out that (1) the proposed reservoir will conserve a major part of the water being lost, (2) annual runoff of about 0.27 MCM can be injected into the aquifer through recharge from impounded water, (3) hydrochemical data from surface water and from the Kushkak aquifer water demonstrates that dilution and change in compositional trend in the groundwater proximal to the impounded alluvial bed areas would be expected based on the infiltration capacity of this site, and (4) cost–benefit ratio of the project is 1:2 and it is assumed to recover the investment within six years.

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