
AbstractThe lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of two sites (Allt Odhar and Dalcharn) in north‐central Scotland are described, where pollen spectra of temperate affinity have been obtained from organic deposits that underlie till. The pollen record from Allt Odhar, in association with evidence from plant macrofossils and Coleoptera, shows the expansion of birch woodland and its eventual replacement by open grassland under a climatic regime slightly cooler than that prevailing in the northern highlands of Scotland at the present day. The organic sediments accumulated during an Early Devensian interstadial episode, which has been dated by the uranium series disequilibrium method to ca. 106 ka BP. Evidence for one and possibly two Devensian glaciations may be preserved at the site. The pollen record from Dalcharn, by contrast, reflects the middle and later stages of an interglacial cycle with the transition from pine forest to grassland. The overlying till sequence contains evidence of at least two separate glacial episodes. The age of the warm stage cannot be established precisely on present evidence, but there are indications that it may predate the last (Ipswichian) interglacial. These are the first sites from the mainland of Scotland to provide evidence of wooded conditions during interstadial and interglacial episodes of the Middle/Late Pleistocene.

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