
Flux trapping and random flux movement are common problems in superconductingthin-film devices. Ultrasensitive magnetic field sensors based on superconducting quantuminterference devices (SQUIDs) coupled to large pickup coils are especially vulnerable tostrong external fields. The issue has become particularly relevant with the introduction ofSQUID-based ultra-low-field (ULF) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and magneticresonance imaging (MRI) techniques. In this paper, we study the constraints ofthin-film-based magnetometers and gradiometers as exposed to magnetic fieldsequences of ULF MRI. In particular, we address issues such as response recovery,transient noise, magnetization and behaviour under shielded room conditionsafter prepolarization. As a result, we demonstrate sensors that are suitable for acombined multi-channel magnetoencephalography (MEG) and MRI imaging system.

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