
Understanding how drugs allosterically modulate GABA-A receptor (GABAAR) channel function remains a challenge. Anesthetic drugs like etomidate, propofol and pentobarbital bind at transmembrane domain (TMD) inter-subunit interfaces at different locations. Benzodiazepines bind at the αγ interface in the extracellular domain (ECD) and neurosteroids are believed to bind within the α-subunit TMD helix bundle. A common feature of these drugs is that they potentiate GABA-induced currents. Here, we examined whether structural mechanisms underlying their functional effects are distinct. We monitored motions induced individually by these drugs at each inter-subunit TMD interface and also tested whether modulation caused by pairs of drugs binding to distinct sites are additive or super-additive. We individually introduced a cysteine in the M1 helices of each subunit at α1I227, β2L223 and γ2LI238 to probe the different inter-subunit interfaces. We expressed wild-type and mutant α1β2γ2L GABAARs in Xenopus oocytes and measured rates of modification of the substituted cysteines in the absence and presence of GABA and different allosteric modulators: the anesthetics pentobarbital (PB) and etomidate, the neurosteroid THDOC and the benzodiazepine flurazepam. GABA activation significantly increased MTSEA modification of αI227C, βL223C and γI238C. PB activation increased modification of αI227C and γI238C but not βL223C. Modulating concentrations of PB or etomidate had no effects. THDOC significantly increased the rate of modification of βL223C whereas flurazepam increased γI238C modification. We found that potentiation of EC10 GABA currents by combining modulating concentrations of THDOC and flurazepam was the sum of the potentiation produced by the two drugs individually. Combining PB and THDOC produced potentiation more than the sum of the potentiation produced by the two drugs individually. Our data suggests that drugs binding to different sites act via distinct mechanisms. Further analysis is underway to determine if these mechanisms are independent or coupled.

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