
The herpes simplex virus type 1 origin binding protein (UL9) is a sequence-specific DNA binding protein. Several studies have demonstrated that UL9 binds to the 11-base pair sequence 5'-CGTTCGCACTT-3' primarily, or solely, through interaction with the major groove. Minor groove binding ligands, such as distamycin, netropsin, and GLX, an indole-linked dimer of netropsin, can effectively disrupt the UL9-DNA complex only when their DNA binding sites are coincident with the right side of the DNA binding site of the protein and overlap with the protein binding site by two (TT) base pairs. These results suggest that the right side of the UL9-DNA complex has a unique structure that is sensitive to minor groove ligand binding. In addition, a biphasic displacement curve was observed with GLX, which suggests two modes of ligand binding which have different effects on UL9-DNA complexes. Using a fluorescence-based hybridization stabilization assay, we determined that GLX can bind to its binding site as an overlapping dimer (i.e., 2:1 stoichiometry). Footprinting of UL9-DNA complexes with the minor groove directed chemical nuclease 1,10-phenanthroline copper confirms that the DNA conformation at the position of the right-side ligand binding site of GLX is altered and has a widened minor groove. In contrast, it is well established that at 1:1 stoichiometries, AT sequence specific ligands, such as netropsin, distamycin, and GLX, prefer uniform, narrow minor grooves. The opposing conformational requirements of UL9 and lower concentrations of GLX at the ligand binding A-tract overlapping the right side of the protein binding site indicate that allosteric inhibition, rather than direct steric competition, contributes to ligand-induced protein displacement. At higher GLX concentrations, giving 2:1 binding in a widened minor groove, co-binding with UL9 is allowed. A model is presented that is consistent with these observations, and implications for targeted regulation of gene transcription are discussed.

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