
Abstract Objectives/Scope The objective of the manuscript is to inform the audience of a recently-designed, all-natural and costsaving technology that utilizes an engineered process for the on-site treatment of hydrocarbon-contaminated wastes from pipeline or storage tank leaks and spills, as well as the recycling of drilling wastes, which result in not only the elimination of the hydrocarbon but also the full re-use of the contaminated mediums. Methods, Procedures, Process The main body of the manuscript will inform the audience of the purposeful steps undertaken in the onsite treatment and reclamation of solid hydrocarbon-contaminated wastes and associated liquids. It will include the specifics of the regulatory factors and environmental liabilities surrounding the handling of the wastes, the technology and treatment of the wastes through the introduction of naturally-occurring microbes, and the available uses of the medium once it has been fully recycled. It will also depict a cost comparison to traditional methods of waste remediation as well as a time comparison to alternate methods of bio-remediation. Results, Observations and Conclusions Through the use of data, gathered from demonstrated field experiences and the 100% success rate of documented onsite reclamation projects, the audience will understand how the application of this technology and flexible process results in lab-verified elimination of the hydrocarbon contamination from the waste medium, as well as where the recycled product is safely being re-used and the pertinent economic factors when employment of the technology and process is being considered. Novel/Additive Information As with many new technologies and processes, there are ancillary benefits with this engineered protocol that are very real, despite the fact they likely would not appear in an economic study. Because this process is completed in the field at the site of the contamination, the hauling and disposal that accompanies traditional handling and treatment methods is eliminated. Less hauling and disposal results in, among other things, less heavy-vehicle traffic on public and private roads as well as a better air quality (dust and combustion exhaust) in the surrounding area. Other potential applications of the technology and process, as well as the applicability to other topic areas (HSE Management, Health and Social Responsibility), will also be introduced.

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