
Alligator weed, Alternanthera philoxeroides (Martius) Grisebach, of the family Amaranthaceae, has become a weed in many countries outside of its natural range in South America. In Australia, it is classified as a weed of national significance because of its potential to devastate agricultural and natural ecosystems. In New South Wales, the weed management officers of local government areas are charged with its control. In 2007, we surveyed this group to determine the status of alligator weed in each jurisdiction and to determine the methods and resources used in its control. Half of the local government area officers who responded reported its presence. The age, number, and size of the infestations indicated that the weed continues to spread into new areas, and is well established in others, at least within local government areas. The resources provided for the weed's management across the local government areas was less than had been expended annually on its removal from a single swamp. The respondents acknowledged that the current approach was inadequate and the need for research into its management was identified. We conclude that, with current management, the weed will continue to spread and recommend that the community should be mobilized to identify new areas of infestation and appropriately train people (e.g. bush restoration consultants, Landcare groups) to remove the weed.

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