
Organizations have come to realize the significance of workplace well-being (WWB) for their existence and progression. This article substantiates the association of work–family balance (WFB) with WWB, while job satisfaction (JS), work engagement (WE) and turnover intent (TI) were studied as mediators to this primal association. The data was obtained in two phases, wherein at the end of the second phase, the authors gathered responses from 346 full-time employees, using a structured research tool. The study adopted a mediated structural equation model to examine the theoretical construct and its hypothesised relationships. The findings supported the hypothesized positive association between WFB and WWB, and a direct relationship of these focal variables was more magnified and pronounced than when mediated. The study revealed a significant mediation effect of work attitudes that is, JS and WE on the outcome variable: WWB; though, counterintuitively, turnover intent remained passive. Our research emphasizes the need to foster work– family culture for creating workplace happiness. The study further accentuates the body of knowledge that the association between these two focal variables also aids in making an immersive and engaged employee.

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