
History of Present Illness A 23-year-old woman presented to the allergy/immunology clinic with a previous diagnosis of allergic rhinitis and asthma. The patient reported that she had started immunotherapy (IT) 34 weeks ago, prescribed by her prior allergist, and had been receiving IT at her college health clinic. Following graduation 2 months earlier, she had been giving herself IT injections at home. She denied any reactions and had injectable epinephrine available at home. She was new to our area and was interested in restarting her IT. Her nasal symptoms included congestion, rhinorrhea, sneezing, itching, and postnasal drip. She also complained of ocular watering, itching, injection, and discharge when around cats or dogs. Chest symptoms included a daily cough and occasional wheezing that she did not notice but others had pointed out to her. She denied any nocturnal symptoms. She had an albuterol metered-dose inhaler available but had not used it in the previous 3 months.

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