
In Hungary, the woolly cupgrass (Eriochloa villosa [Thunb.] Kunth) endanger row crops (i.e. corn, sunflower). Its fast spreading based on some reason viz. long-lasting emergence, reduced sensitivity to many kinds of herbicides, vigorous competitional ability and fast initial growth. Allelopathy, ability of many plant species to produce one or more biochemicals wgich is used tocompete with each others. In this experiment we examined, whether the woolly cupgrass possesses allelopathy, and if so, how influences on the development of cultured crops like maize, sunflower and lettuce.


  • In Hungary, the woolly cupgrass (Eriochloa villosa [Thunb.] Kunth) endanger row crops

  • Its fast spreading based on some reason viz. long-lasting emergence, reduced sensitivity to many kinds of herbicides, vigorous competitional ability and fast initial growth

  • Allelopathy, ability of many plant species to produce one or more biochemicals wgich is used tocompete with each others

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In Hungary, the woolly cupgrass (Eriochloa villosa [Thunb.] Kunth) endanger row crops (i.e. corn, sunflower). Long-lasting emergence, reduced sensitivity to many kinds of herbicides, vigorous competitional ability and fast initial growth. Allelopathy, ability of many plant species to produce one or more biochemicals wgich is used tocompete with each others. In this experiment we examined, whether the woolly cupgrass possesses allelopathy, and if so, how influences on the development of cultured crops like maize, sunflower and lettuce. Az­ ázsiai­ gyapjúfű­ (Eriochloa villosa [Thunb.] Kunth)­ egyre­ jelentősebb­ gyomnövénnyé­ válik­ Ma­gyar­országon.­Ez­a­faj­főképp­a­kapás­kultúrákat­(ku-­ ko­rica,­napraforgó­stb.)­veszélyezteti­gyomosító­hatá­sá­val.­Az­ázsiai­gyapjúfű­a­jól­alkalmazkodó­gyom­növényekhez­tartozik.­Magyarország­klímaviszonyai megfelelő­ környezeti­ feltételeket­ biztosítanak­ az­ új flóra­elem­gyomfaj­számára.­Bello­et­al.­(2000)­szerint az­optimális­csírázási­hőmérséklete­a­20–35­°C,­így Ma­gyarországon­már­áprilisban­beindulhat­a­csírázása.

Az ázsiai gyapjúfű vizes kivonatának hatása a saláta csírázására
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