
Allelopathy due to humus phenolics is a cause of natural regeneration deficiency in subalpine Norway spruce (Picea abies) forests. If inhibition of spruce germination and seedling growth due to allelochemicals is generally accepted, in contrast there is a lack of knowledge about phenolic effects on mycorrhizal fungi. Thus, this work tested effects of a humic solution and its naturally occurring phenolics on the growth and respiration of two mycorrhizal fungi: Hymenoscyphus ericae (symbiont of Vaccinium myrtillus, the main allelochemical-producing plant) and Hebeloma crustuliniforme (symbiont of P. abies, the target plant). Growth and respiration of H. crustuliniforme were inhibited by growth medium with the original humic solution (−6% and −30%), respectively, whereas the same humic solution did not affect growth but decreased respiration of H. ericae (−55%). When naturally occurring phenolics (same chemicals and concentrations in the original humic solution) were added to the growth medium, growth of H. crustuliniforme was not affected, whereas that of H. ericae significantly increased (+10%). We conclude that H. ericae is better adapted to the allelopathic constraints of this forest soil than H. crustuliniforme and that the dominance of V. myrtillus among understory species could be explained in this way.

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