
Endosperm Balance Number (EBN) is a genetic, dose-dependent crossability system functioning in tuber-bearing Solanum species. Each species has been assigned 1EBN, 2EBN, or 4EBN. Species thus designated cross only within their EBN group. Doubling of chromosome number also doubles the EBN. The ploidy: EBN ratio is not consistent among Solanum species. Some diploids are 2EBN while others are 1EBN. Some tetraploids are 4EBN while others are 2EBN. Species from Mexico typically have EBNs that are one-half of their ploidy [e.g. 2x(1EBN), 4x(2EBN)]. Hybrids of Mexican species and a South American species, 2x(1EBN) S. Commersonii, and its 4x(2EBN) colchicine derivative were made and crossed to 1, 2, and 4EBN standard testers to determine the relationship of the genetic organization of EBN among and within these species. Diploid hybrids crossed only to 1EBN standard testers. Hybrids of 4x(2EBN) S. commersonii and 4x(2EBN) Mexican species crossed almost exclusively to 2EBN standard testers. Complex tetraploid hybrids involving S. commersonii, S. stenophyllidium (a Mexican diploid), and Mexican tetraploids of series Longipedicellata also crossed only to 2EBN testers. The apparent lack of recombination and segregation for EBN in these hybrids indicates that the genomes of the Mexican diploid and tetraploid species carry EBN in a way genetically similar to that of the South American species S. Commersonii.

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