
Allantoin is a nitrogen metabolite with significant potential to mediate plant defense responses under salinity. However, the impact of allantoin on ions homeostasis and ROS metabolism has yet to be established in plants under Cr toxicity. In the current study, chromium (Cr) notably diminished growth, photosynthetic pigments, and nutrient acquisition in two wheat cultivars (Galaxy-2013 and Anaj-2017). Plants subjected to Cr toxicity displayed excessive Cr accumulation. Chromium produced substantial oxidative stress reflected as higher levels of O2•, H2O2, MDA, methylglyoxal (MG) and lipoxygenase activity. Plants manifested marginally raised antioxidant enzyme activities due to Cr stress. Further, reduced glutathione (GSH) levels diminished with a concurrent rise in oxidized glutathione levels (GSSG). Plants exhibited a considerable abridge in GSH:GSSG due to Cr toxicity. Allantoin (200 and 300 mg L1) subsided metal phytotoxic effects by strengthening the activities of antioxidant enzymes and levels of antioxidant compounds. Plants administered allantoin displayed a considerable rise in endogenous H2S and nitric oxide (NO) levels that, in turn, lessened oxidative injury in Cr-stressed plants. Allantoin diminished membrane damage and improved nutrient acquisition under Cr stress. Allantoin markedly regulated the uptake and distribution of Cr in wheat plants, abridging the degree of metal phytotoxic effect.

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