
This article examines the history of singing art with the birth of mankind, the influence of the song genre on the spiritual and moral state of peoples, the dynamics of the process of transferring singing art from generation to generation over the centuries. In addition, the genres of songs have a long history and have been passed down from generation to generation for centuries. The origins, stages of development and features of the song genre "Alla" are discussed. Many aspects are analyzed, such as the fact that the genre of Alla's singing is based on folklore, the uniqueness of this type of song, its narration in simple and understandable language. The article systematically describes the history of the song genre, its artistic features, philosophical and spiritual features. The stages of the genre of the song "Alla", the features of each stage, the role of children in the spiritual and aesthetic education of the cradle are scientifically substantiated. The text of the article summarizes the opinions of various experts in the field of the song genre "Alla". In conclusion, the article reveals the importance of the development of the song genre in the conditions of new thinking, the relationship between mother and child. Approaches to the question of the genre of the song differ, and it was analyzed that discussions on this issue continued both during the years of Soviet power and during the years of independence. It is shown that the height of a person's spirituality can be an important factor in raising a child at the level of the song genre that mothers sing, rocking the cradle at birth. It is revealed that in the genres of Alla songs it has become a tradition to pamper a child and compare him with powerful forces and historical figures. Alla song genre takes into account the influence of Asian and European natural factors. The importance of the mother's level, the pleasantness of the sound of the words used instead of them, and so on as the songs of God reach the baby in the cradle. At the end of the article, scientifically based recommendations are given for further popularization and improvement of the song genre.

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