
All-optical Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (AO-OFDM) technology has paved a new path for performing transmissions at higher data rates in optical domain with proper signal spacing resulting in the orthogonality between the sub-carriers. This paper reviews the principles of all optical OFDM transmission, which could carry data at an order of 100Gbps or more with reduced system complexity and good flexibility. This paper involves the discussion on all-optical OFDM implementation which is performed by a device named Arrayed Waveguide Grating (AWG). The principle of orthogonality is obtained by slab diffraction which helps in performing orthogonality between the subcarriers and hence used as an OFDM multiplexer. This architecture is taken advantage in deploying a PON network with different modulation schemes like DPSK, PAM, QAM and they are compared in terms of their performance characteristic like BER, Q factor and choosing the best one among them.

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