
Abstract The construction of an all-optical frequency-encoded Toffoli gate employing a reflecting semiconductor optical amplifier (RSOA) is proposed in this article. By establishing fields such as quantum computing, optical quantum computing, quantum-dot cellular automata, and superconducting flux logic family, quantum gates have been proved to perform reliably in the present day. A nonzero-mass electron, on the other hand, moves far slower than a quantum particle with zero rest mass, such as a photon. Photons can also be utilized to store data while being sent. These photon qualities have motivated researchers to create quantum gates in the all-optical domain based on them. The RSOA-based implementation of the Toffoli gate gives a significant improvement in the case of high speed, low power, and fast switching time. MATLAB Simulink (R2018a) software is used to simulate the devised design. The theoretical prediction is satisfied by the simulation results.

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