
N(6)-methyladenosine (m6A) methylation modification is involved in the progression of myocardial infarction (MI). In this study, we investigated the effects of demethylase alkylation repair homolog 5 (ALKBH5) on cell apoptosis and oxidative stress in MI. The ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury mouse model and hypoxia/reoxygenation (H/R) cell model were established. The levels of ALKBH5 and mitsugumin 53 (MG53) were measured by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, immunohistochemical, and immunofluorescence analysis. Apoptosis was evaluated by TUNEL assay, flow cytometry, and western blot. Oxidative stress was assessed by antioxidant index kits. Methylation was analyzed by RNA binding protein immunoprecipitation (RIP), MeRIP, and dual-luciferase reporter assay. We observed that ALKBH5 and MG53 were highly expressed in MI. Overexpression of ALKBH5 inhibited H/R-induced cardiomyocyte apoptosis and oxidative stress in vitro, and it inhibited I/R-induced collagen deposition, cardiac function, and apoptosis in vivo. ALKBH5 could bind to MG53, inhibit m6A methylation of MG53, and increase its mRNA stability. Silencing of MG53 counteracted the inhibition of apoptosis and oxidative stress induced by ALKBH5. In conclusion, ALKBH5 suppressed m6A methylation of MG53 and inhibited MG53 degradation to inhibit apoptosis and oxidative stress of cardiomyocytes, thereby attenuating MI. The results provided a theoretical basis that ALKBH5 is a potential target for MI treatment.

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