
The 16 species of theSedum acre-group were investigated for the presence of alkaloids. They areS. acre ofS. ser.Acria, S. alpestre, S. annuum, S. apoleipon, S. borissovae, S. euxinum, S. grisebachii, S. laconicum, S. multiceps, S. sexangulare, S. tuberiferum, S. tuberosum, S. ursi, andS. urvillei ofS. ser.Alpestria, S. samium ofS. ser.Samia, andS. litoreum ofS. ser.Litorea. S. acre differs significantly from the other species. It contains sedamine, “hydroxy” sedamine, and a number of 2,6-disubstituted piperidine alkaloids. The leafy parts of the species ofS. ser.Alpestria, S. ser.Samia, andS. ser.Litorea contain 4 piperidine alkaloids which also occur inS. acre, and in addition 4 pyrrolidine alkaloids not present inS. acre. The composition of the alkaloid fraction agrees with the infrageneric classification (series) based on the hybridization patterns of the species (comparia).

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