
Author lists 221 species of 11 Aculeata families captured on aphid infected pear and lime trees during his investigation in the last 20 years (table 1). Number of captured individuals and places of captures are listed in tables 2-13. The highest hymenoptera abundances was experienced in traditional villages. The highest individual and species diversity measured at Crabronidae species. Imagoes fed the sugary secretion of aphids. Most of Crabroninae species was observed capturing dipterous flies to fed their larvae. These Diptera species were also attracted by honeydew of aphids. The Crossocerus species were the dominant genus in this subfamily. On the other hand, Pemphedroninae species captured aphids for their larvae. The most abundant genus in subfamily Pemphedroninae were the Passaloecus species. Several rare species were collected, these are: Poecilagenia sculpturata (Pompilidae), Crossocerus walkeri, Rhopalum clavipes, Tracheliodes curvitarsis (Crabroninae), Passaloecus pictus and Passaloecus vandeli (Pemphredoninae)

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