
For the present generations, it is important to know not only what historical work the national political elite has done, but also what they have become as figures. Because in the entire civilized society, each generation can deeply understand its own peculiarity, its historical duty and its tasks through the study of such problems in the context of historical knowledge. Alikhan Bukeikhanov at the beginning of the twentieth century was at the head of the national movement in the new historical conditions, thereby continuing the struggle started in the XVIII century under the leadership of Abylai Khan, and in the XIX century under the leadership of Kenesary Kasymuly. He played a leading role in the theoretical justification of the idea of the national state in the new historical period, as well as in determining the ways and means by which this goal was to be achieved, and during his lifetime was recognized as the leader of the national liberation movement at the national level. The Alash movement, which was formed as a result of the purposeful work of Alikhan Bukeikhanov and his closest associates, entered the genealogy of the nation as a comprehensive civil struggle of an entire generation of intellectuals for the people's existence and values. In other words, the Alash movement is a clear indication that there was a tradition of continuity of the national idea in the history of the country, which served as the main priority of national interests. The place of Alikhan Bukeikhan and his associates in the history and culture of the nation was also that they openly and clearly expressed this fundamental position in a certain historical period and devoted their lives to this goal without any hesitation. The lack of inclination of the Provisional Government to solve the national issue prompted the Kazakh intellectuals to independently restore state power in Kazakhstan. The Cadet Party which recognized not only the identity of nations, but also cultural autonomy wasn’t agree with Kazakh intellectuals, but also sought to create an autonomous state within Russia.

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