
Minimum field intensity required to achieve alignment of solid grains, which posses small diamagnetic anisotropy (Δχ)DIA, is discussed based on observed values of hexagonal ice Ih; the field intensity is about 6 Tesla at T = 273K for ice Ih crystal with 1.0 μm in diameter. Grain alignment essentially require strong magnetic field above several Tesla when (Δχ)DIA is in the level of 10−10 emu/g. (Δχ)DIA arises from preferential orientation of individual chemical bond with respect to a magnetic principle axis of the solid body. Hence (Δχ)DIA is negligibly small for materials with high crystal symmetry, such as crystals having a rutile, wurtzite or perovskite structure. Alignment should be studied intensively in high magnetic-field for these types of materials. Whereas alignment occurs below B = 2T for most of the unmeasured diamagnetic crystals with lower symmetry, since their (Δχ)DIA values are expected to exceed 1 × 10−9 emu/g according to the above-mentioned model; this field is produced by an ordinary electromagnet.

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