
Foreword by Karen Young Preface Acknowledgements About the Author partners4results Software Availability 1. Overview of CCSS and Associated Leadership Issues Chapter Expectations Aciton Steps Leadership Challenges for Implementing CCSS What Are Standards? Develop and Use a Standards-Based Curriculum Align the Curriculum Think of Content as a Means to a Performance End Staff Development Issues Build Undersanding of the CCSS Use What Has Already Been Developed as a Basis for Moving Forward Defining and Creating Local CCSS Understand Local CCSS (Power Standards) How to Read These Samples What Are Instructional Objectives? Why Are Instructional Objectives So Important? System Thinking What About Using National Assessments as Formative Assessments? What About Accountability? What About Using the Data? What About Monitoring? System Thinking Summarized Process Summary Process Checklist 2. Curriculum Issues and a National Curriculum Model Chapter Expectations Action Steps What Is a Curriculum? Consider Your Options for Defining Curriculum A New Model for a National Curriculum New National Model Defined Process Summary Process Checklist 3. The Development and Use of Local CCSS, Quarterly Instructional Objectives, and Common Formative Assessments Chapter Expectations Action Steps Build Local CCSS Design Quarterly Instructional Objectives Develop Common Formative Assessments Addressing Formative Assessments Within the Assessment Development Cycle Address Issues in Creating Common Formative Assessments Designing Local Assessments Process Summary Process Checklist 4. A Sample K-12 Curriculum Chapter Expectations Action Steps Read and Understand the New Model Accept the Realities of a Sample From Several Districts How to Read These Samples Sample K-12 ELA Curriculum Sample K-12 Math Curriculum Process Summary Process Checklist 5. The Journey Ahead Chapter Expectations Action Steps Summary of Issues Some Specific Issues Current Reactions Final Thoughts Resource A: Collated Feedback on CCSS Work Resource B: Suggested Forms for Developing Local CCSS (Power Standards) and Instructional Objectives and Feedback Forms B1: Standards to Local Standards B2: Follow-Up Process Guidelines for Local CCSS B3: Quarterly Instructional Objectives, Critical Attributes B4: Follow-Up Process Guidelines: Instructional Objectives B5: Initial Distribution Feedback B6: Local CCSS/Instructional Objectives Quarterly Feedback B7: Quarterly Assessments Feedback B8: End-of-Year Feedback B9: Curriculum Audit: What the Research Tells Us References and Suggested Readings Index

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