
This chapter presents an account of how Quadruple Helix model of innovation is currently operationalized in the sector of Artificial Intelligence (AI) research in Vietnam. The case study is investigated under the Quadruple Helix framework that views innovation as results of dynamic, co-evolving interactions between academia, industry and government, and civil society. Under ideal conditions, new interfaces can emerge at the conjunction of institutional spheres. By analyzing discourses and practices of 20 innovation dialogues over the period 2017-2019, this chapter proves the existence of an emerging Quadruple Helix operationalization in Vietnam, with bottom-up initiatives, engaging citizens, state-centric configuration and a vibrant private sector in place of academia. This configuration could be better understood through the historical, socio-economic and political context that governs institutional rules in the country. The research thus provides empirical evidence for the manifestation of Quadruple Helix in practices as well as fills in the literature gap of non-Western case study.

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