
The Wide Field Phasing Testbed for the Giant Magellan Telescope1 is comprised of six pairs of off-axis parabolas, an Offner relay and several additional fold mirrors. To align this optical system we used a Leica laser tracker and a 4D interferometer. The laser tracker was used to accurately position each fold mirror on the optical bench by measuring the position of a spherically mounted retroreflector with the laser tracker, first directly and then in reflection off the mirror to be aligned. The mirror was adjusted until the reflected image was in the correct location. Key to this operation was custom software that read in the Zemax prescription file specifying the location of each optic; interfaced with the laser tracker to measure the location of fiducial SMRs on the optical bench; performed transformations between coordinate systems attached to the laser tracker, the optical bench, the Zemax model, and the individual optics; and finally displayed the real-time position errors in a large font so that the optic could be easily adjusted to the correct location. The OAPs were also positioned using the laser tracker in conjunction with the interferometer. An SMR was placed at the desired focal position of the OAP using the laser tracker. This same SMR served as the return sphere for the interferometer which was used to adjust out tilt and astigmatism errors. With this system we were able to align the full optical system efficiently and in a deterministic way.

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